David Higgins

Dave Higgins has been an artist, photographer and educator for more than 50 years. Born in Portland, Dave is a lifelong resident of Maine and has lived all over the southern, midcoast and central parts of the state. His favorite subjects, like his favorite places, are the Maine landscape and waterfront.

Always willing to try anything, Dave was an early PhotoShop user and moved whole-heartedly into digital photography. From there he has embraced all the new software and possibilities as they came on the technical scene, bringing to each his own ideas and creativity. It is no wonder that he has become enamored with AI. His is not the AI that you read about in the news, that violates copyright or assists students in cheatingon their term papers. It is important to understand that AI is a component of almost all photo editing software and even some cameras and that it will become more so as the technology develops. Dave’s AI rendered images are purely the product of his own art and creativity. He always begins with his own photography or a digital copy of one of his paintings. He writes AI scripts and sometimes moves through 50 or more variations. His concern is in applying texture, color and style to his original image. Throughout the process he moves the image back and forth into Photoshop and other digital imaging software to make many adjustments not all of which involve AI. The results are graphic, colorful and stunning. Shown below are images from his new series “Into the Light”.

Dave’s work is exhibited and published throughout Maine and New England. At Saltwater Artists, visitors are likely to see photographs and paintings as well as his new interpretive photography on the walls.

Visit his website at www.D-Higgins.com for a look at some of his other endeavors.

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