News & Events

Please mark your calendar for the following Dates and Events:

    •    Thursday May 22nd: Gallery Sneak Peek from 4:30-6:30/7 for Realtors, Interior Decorators, Restaurants, Inns and B and B’s. Please contact us at for info or an invite.

    •    Friday May 23rd: The Gallery opens for the season Hours 10 am to 5 pm

    •    Also on May 23rd- Our 1st Lincoln Academy Student Show with an opening reception from 6-8 pm. This show will run thru June 27th. 

    •    Saltwater Artists Gallery will be open Fri through Mondays only between May 23rd-June 9th and on:

    •    Friday June 13th: The Gallery opens 7 days a week thru October 17th from 10 am to 5 pm

    •    Saturday June 28th- "All Gave Some, Some Gave All" member show opens and runs thru July 18th

    •    Also on June 28: DRCC will do an Open Studio and Art Gallery Tour. For more info contact the Damariscotta Region Chamber of Commerce

    •    Saturday July 19th, Rain Date July 20th: Our 3rd Annual Plein Air Day -Awards/Wet Sale comes to the Gallery that day thru August 8th. More info coming soon.

    •    August 9th-31st: "Color Me Crazy" 10x10. This is a juried show open to outside artists for an entry fee. More info coming soon.

    •    September 1st-October 17th: Merry Mart at Saltwater Artists Gallery opens- this is a holiday themed market featuring gifts and holiday decor.

    •    October 4th and 5th: Maine Craft weekend

    •    October 17th: The Gallery closes for the season

Check back here for updates!


Saltwater Artists Gallery Donates to

School Art Program

Lynne Thompson, president of the Saltwater Artists Gallery in New Harbor, gives a donation to Andre Clough, art teacher at the Bristol Consolidated School in Bristol.Donations were made during the summer season by selling used art books and magazines. The mission of the Saltwater Artists is to encourage young new artists.


A Huge Thank You

to all our Friends & Patrons

For voting Saltwater Artists Gallery the Down East Best of Maine Reader’s Choice #1 Art Gallery for the Second Year in a row!

We are so grateful for your votes andespecially for your support and your kind comments!

Come on Down to the Point and Enjoy our #1 Gallery!

You can also go online to DownEast and check out

many of our good neighbors who also won!


Saltwater Artists Gallery Hosted the Second Annual ‘Plein Air Day at Pemaquid Point’ on Saturday July 20th

Our Second Annual Plein Air Day was by all accounts a good time and resounding success. We hope you had an opportunity to be there to paint or to watch and visit with the artists. 

Above are Maria Nemchuk (3rd place), our judge Thomas Adkins, Diane Dubreuil (1st place) and Robert Schilke (2nd place).

You can see more pictures from the day and read a press release by clicking Here