Doreen Reynolds

“The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten” –Cesare Pavese

Doreen Reynolds was born in New Hampshire. A lifelong creative, she is constantly doing something challenging and new. She continually invests in her artistic interests through various courses and continuing education, then taking learned techniques and applying them to different forms.

Her creative outlets vary greatly from jewelry, wearable art, assemblage and mixed media.She enjoys incorporating a wide variety of mediums into all of her designs; from carefully curated heirloom found objects, lamp works beads, resin, acrylics, eco-died materials, polymer clay, handmade papers, copper, silver, and brass metals.

Her works, whether it is Jewelry or Mixed Media Art, are centered on seeking old and new objects which bring joy and intrigue.She loves incorporating these objects into her work because it causes the admirer to reminisce, ponder, or wonder about the story that yearns to be told.

She has been honored to receive the People’s Choice Award at Port Townsend Washington Wearable Art Show as well as a category winner in ManneqArt.Her work has also been featured on the CBS Sunday Morning Show. She also exhibits at River Arts Gallery in Damariscotta. She currently resides in Maine and Maryland with her husband and two dogs. She is looking forward to being in Maine full time in the near future as well as becoming an active part of the Saltwater Artist Gallery and the Mid--Coast Art Community.

Doreen’s works can be seen on Facebook – The Prolific Ginger, LLC as well as Instagram- ProlificGinger.

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