Janet Lockhart
Janet took a class in 1981 to make inexpensive Christmas presents for her family and never expected to make a living at doing what she loves. Janet has had the good fortune in working for some incredible people that have taught her that the first rule of stained glass is "there are no rules". She has since learned the second rule is " the only limitation is your imagination". Janet has no limitations!
Janet loves living on the coast of Maine and wanted to bring that into her work. Her mirrors often use beach stones, sea glass, shells, driftwood, Maine slate and other objects "du jour". She specializes in getting a good "bead" around each piece whether it is glass, bevels, beach stones or something else, that gives a finished look to the overall piece. Stone mirrors have felt bumpers on the backs so they can be used on a table with trinkets, flowers or a candle. All mirrors are felted on the back to protect the mirror and the customer's wall. Special orders are welcomed. Let's get together and create a treasure that will last for generations!
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