Lynne Thompson

Lynne Thompson has had a very active imagination all her life, so when she decided to move to Maine in 1990, and buy a house in New Harbor in 1996, she was well on her way to fulfilling two passions: one to beachcomb year round, and two to turn her findings into wearable art. The scintillating natural beauty of seaglass captivated her creative eye...andwire, her fascination for its boundless possibilities. Together they form her many creations of seaglass jewelry that can be found at Saltwater Artist's Gallery today. Lynne also has a penchant for sharing her delight in this self-taught art form and teaches others the basics at adult ed classes in the Midcoast area. To be sure this is a life balance for Lynne, who has worked over 41 years as a respiratory therapist helping others to improve their health and finds the meditation of her combing as a means to rejuvenate her own.

Lynne was born into a very creative family and always encouraged to make things by hand. A student of biology, and a lover of artforms in nature she is compelled to express her delight in living in the somewhat organic design of her pieces. Tendrils and tidal lines exist throughout her work. She is an adamant purist about the seaglass she incorporates in her designs, using only mature pieces offered up by Mother Nature, no artificially processed glass, please! And then there are seashells and driftwood......!

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