Maude Olsen

MaudeOlsen, South Bristol painter, poet and calligrapher, worked primarily in watercolor which she exhibited widely in Maine as well as internationally.

Holder of a B.A. Degree from Penn State, she had studied at The National Academy of Art in New York, at the Daytona Beach, Florida, School of Art and with various notable workshop instructors.

For twenty-two years she was on the Faculty of the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland, Maine.She continuedto teach drawing, calligraphy and watercolor in the Midcoast area, with a special focus on beginners.

Maude was a Life-Fellow of the American Artists Professional League, a juried member of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, New York, and the Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society of Washington, DC.Memberships included the Miniature Artists of America as well as Maine Gallery, Wiscasset and the Saltwater Artists, Pemaquid.She was represented by River Gallery, Damariscotta.

Maude Olsen’s Studio Gallery on Rutherford Island, South Bristol has closed, but you can still see her art at Saltwater Artists Gallery as part of our Emeritus Artist* program. Maude passed away peacefully at the age of 95 but left a legacy of art to be enjoyed into the future. You can contact her personal representative, Lynne Thompson at the following email...

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