Pam Wilcox

Pam didn’t start out as a glass artist.She saw a stained glass store offering beginners classes at the mall and thought,“Hey, that sounds cool”! The rest is history.

Pam Wilcox has been creating glass art for the past twelve years.She works with a kiln, fusing and lampworking torch to make everything from stained glass to glass beads for jewelry. Pam’s studio ( her house) has been slowly overtaken with lots and lots of glass, several kilns and lots of other cool tools. Her interest in nature and animals translates beautifully into her glass designs. Pam will tell you she “can’t draw” but her use of color and style are artistically inspired!

Pamela Wilcox is originally from Pennsylvania. She moved to Maine when she was 16. Pam completed her undergrad degree in Business at Southern New Hampshire University. She then received her Masters in Education from Grand Canyon University.Sheis a special educator teaching Art, Science and Math at Glenn Stratton Learning Center on Good Will-Hinckley’s Campus in Fairfield, ME. Pam also teaches glass art at the Stained Glass Express in Manchester, ME.For fun she plays softball and umpires.

Pam Wilcox lives in Belgrade and shows her glass primarily at the Saltwater Artists Gallery in New Harbor, ME and the River Roads Artisan Gallery in Skowhegan, ME.

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